I’ve written before about how to make changes to an agreement and also about how to get out of an agreement but I realized I never discussed why agreements and deposits are important.

We often think of a deposit and agreement as one-sided but the truth is it protects all, no matter who writes or accepts it. And they’re really important in creating strong lasting relationships.

Let’s start with the deposit. Deposits are necessary for a wide variety of reasons.  Put yourself in the performer’s shoes.  You accept a booking from a club, blocking out the calendar and turning down other opportunities for that night, only to be told a few months later that the club isn’t interested anymore.  This happens more than you would imagine, especially when a deposit is not received.  Sure, there’s a contract but realistically the performer isn’t going to go through the trouble of bringing a club to small claims court to enforce it. The deposit is really the only insurance a performer has to ensure the event takes place. 

There’s a second reason a deposit is important and that is it protects you, the club.  When you submit a payment of any kind, the performer is also accepting the responsibility of blocking out a date.  They are, in almost all situations, agreeing to turn down future work, no matter how lucrative.  Sure, special circumstances come up, but for the most part, a deposit is a handshake. Good relationships start with trust… but the deposit helps build that trust.

Now on to the agreement.  As I just stated, the agreement is realistically not enforceable as the cost to litigate it is not worth the effort… so let’s consider it a “gentleman’s agreement.”  But even though it’s never going to be litigated, it’s important and valuable to all sides. First, it formally commits the club and the performer for the performance. In the case of management changes or change in priorities, it protects the performer. It also sets the expectations necessary to make the show a success, something we all want to happen.  So please, read through your agreements, sign them, and honor them.

We’re all in this together. We run our businesses and clubs with a basis of respect and good relationships, ultimately creating better experiences and stronger partnerships. All of this work has one goal – to give your members the most extraordinary experience.

Michael Gutenplan is a corporate entertainer, mentalist

About Michael

Michael Gutenplan is the top-rated entertainer for private clubs and corporate events. You can learn more at www.themembersonlyshow.com or www.mentalist.show

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